Ideas on How to remove snake in your house
" Falls the time of year when snake which are cold-blooded begin to seek out hibernation sites which means it snake may be attracted to the warmth of your home, snake would crawl along the foundation up wall and cross roof any opening they can stick their heads through will commit them access to your cozy house ". Snakes may hibernate if they’re inside an unheated crawl space but if they’re inside heated building they might remain active all season long. Having non-venomous snake residing in your home does not carry much risk other than big scared if you see a snake slithering down your hall in the middle of the night however if you have snakes inside your home. It may mean other critter such as rats and mice also have access. Rats and mice can cause fire by chewing through electrical wire and can spread diseases so it is important to secure your home from any outside critter. Take the following steps to block potential entry points, inspect your home from top to ...